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The goal of mineralrights.co is to educate mineral rights owners so they can better understand and make informed decisions with their assets. Having been both a mineral buyer and mineral owner for several years, I felt there was too much disinformation out there and created this site in an attempt to rectify this.

Oil’s Record Production Fall

An Oil Production Fall for the Record Books From March to July 2020, United States crude oil production fell...

What is Rig Count and Why Does it Matter?

If you are a mineral rights owner and follow the oil and gas industry, you have likely heard references to "rigs" and...

What is a Shut-in Well?

A shut-in well is one that could otherwise be productive, but is not producing for some reason. The three most common...

The Types of Mineral Ownership

Mineral interest types: royalty, mineral, working, ORRI, NPRI
Mineral rights give the owner the right to exploit underlying resources. Most people do not have the means to extract these...

Understanding Paystubs: WTI & Local Oil Price

WTI versus local spot pricing
If you own producing mineral rights and look at one of your paystubs, you may notice that the price your oil sold...

Why Have Offers for my Minerals Decreased?

An old pump jack. Decline curves means minerals are worth less over time.
Mineral rights have value because they entitle the owner to the underlying resources. For the underlying resources to have value, they...

Why is Forced Pooling of Minerals Allowed?

Force pooled in United States
The United States is one of only a handful of countries that allows for the private ownership of minerals. It is...

How to Value Your Minerals: Multiple of Royalties

Minerals often trade as multiple of royalties
When you receive an offer to purchase your minerals, how do you know if it's a fair one? As this article...

When Will My Minerals Get Drilled?

Drilled minerals
Cost of Extraction Mineral rights only have value to the extent the underlying resources can be extracted in a...

Inherited Mineral Rights Tax Treatment

falling oil prices
"I inherited my mineral rights. How are they taxed when I sell them?" This is common question many mineral rights owners...